Something about me


My name is Robert Barachini, I am 24 years old and come from Slovenia. My journey began in a small idyllic town called Radeče which lies on the right bank of the Sava river at the very edge of 'Posavsko hribovje'. Being surrounded by nature and rich culture, I was able to pursue many interests. Being a very curious person I have developed a broad field of interests. Music, computer science, guitar, writing, sports and philosophy are just a few of the things I enjoy. Pursuing academic studies granted me with a lot of new knowledge but at the cost of time. My current dream is to once again find the time to pursue arts and crafts (in addition to a professional career in the field of information sciences and business informatics).

Panorama of Radeče in early Spring


I attended primary school in my hometown (Radeče) and continued my pursuit of knowledge in Litija where I finished my upper secondary education. After obtaining my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at FRI (Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana) in the field of Computer and Information Science (academic higher education programme) I've enrolled into the Business Informatics master programme at EF (School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana) where I am currently finishing my first year of the graduate programme.


You can find me on the following platforms:


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