

Lyre is an Open-source project that aims to provide a wide range of free multimedia programs.

The main goal for Lyre Project is to allow the end user to download content from the Internet for personal use and offline viewing. Lyre Project currenty provides a YouTube downloader and a 'downloads history viewer'. Next goal is to create a complete software suite which will include a downloader, media library, media player and more.

A colored lyre as used in my program

Minimalistic user interface

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Simple chess AI

Even though I am not good at it I have always been fascinated by chess. During last Summer I have started writing my own chess engine and user interface from scratch (C# + Winfows Forms). As part of a class about artificial intelligence I was taking I added a simple intelligent agent which is able to play against a beginner player and is based on MiniMax algorithm.

Part of the user interface.

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